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Khaman Dhokla
greem chutney
Appetizer,Maharashtrian,South Indian,Veggie
1 cup moong dal
1/4 cup channa dal
Eno, soda
Curd, Keri (kachha Mango)
curry leave
green chillies, ginger, dry red chillies
rai, red chilli powder
salt to taste
pour moong dal & channa dal in water for 6-7 hours seperately. 
blend in mixxie seperately and mix both dals together after 
blending in blender.
Add 1 tea spoon soda & little bit Curd and keep for 1 hour.
Beat well & Add Eno for instant 1/4 tea 
spoon...i generally don't put as curd gives enough 
fermentation. Mix salt to taste.

Apply oil on a plate & put in the steam cooker and steam for 15-
20 minutes. and place few mango slices on it. Put a stick on 
the dhokla and if it sticks on that it meas it needs more 
steaming..otheriwse it is done. Put outside on room temp for 5-
10 miuntes to settle down in shape. Then cut into square piece.

Take oil in a pan, put rai, green chillie, dry red chillies, 
ginger & put khaman piece. Put few drops of lime juice & red 

Serve with plain sev, rai wali green chillies and dhaniya 
chutney & imli chutney. With garnish with some coconut powder.